Friday 10 June 2011

America Terrorism against Iraqi Civilians First Gulf

America Terrorism against Iraqi Civilians First Gulf

Most Westerners and European civilians do not realize that the first Gulf War was a major disaster, for America as well as Iraq, even though the war was won in 3 days with minimal war casualties.  It was catastrophic for the Iraqi civilian populations in terms as health as well as their economic standing. This is not what our politicians, the media or even the Armed Forces (the coalition) lead us to belief.

To West the conflict was portrayed as complete success, all the war aims where meet. Sadam Hussein regime was weakened militarily, as well as any political clout with the international community. Kuwait was free, no longer occupied by Iraqi forces and the cost and supply of oil was once again protected. The first sign of trouble first started when U.S army personnel returned home from Iraqi plagued by unexplainable symptoms’. The mysterious symptoms that affected these veterans, was later named Gulf War Syndrome. Many of these soldiers were unable to continue with their military career’s; some Veterans were unable to live a normal and productive life due to pain, sickness, nightmares, respiratory problems, PTSD, emotional damage, and many other symptoms.

The majority of Physicians and Psychologist uncovered a rather large group of first Gulf War veterans that where suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder <PTSD> and this new Gulf War Syndrome. This is kind of hard to believe, when you take into consideration the actual fighting the Americans where engaged in was around 73 hours.  Many prominent Scientists, Psychologist and Physicians explain how the most likely cause for Gulf War Syndrome was exposure to chemical and biological agents when destroying Iraq’s chemical production facilities and weapons. The Coalition Forces feared their troop where in harm’s way do to the potential use of these weapons by Saddam Army, and instead the U.S accidently exposed their own personnel indirectly.

When America destroyed these chemical weapons the deadly agents inside escaped and where released into the environment. Basically the wind carried the contents from inside the warheads. Soldiers and civilians were exposed do to the lack of proper protection. This is outrageous do to the fact that America knew the extent of the danger because of what happened when Saddam used these types of weapons to try to wipe out the Kurdish rebels, cities and family members. America forced their army personnel to take Vaccinations just in case they were attacked by these weapons. The United Nations also worried about the danger of Bio and Chemical weapons if fired against civilians in Kuwait, Israel, or Saudi Arabia. This is why America did everything in their power to claim Gulf War Syndrome was nothing more the mental problems. This makes America look like they are incompetent, and not serious about protecting their soldier or the people they went to war for. It wasn’t about stopping aggression or because it was the right thing to do. It was to be done as quickly as possible regardless of the possible cost in casualties. The conflict was waged to protect and grantee the safe passage of cheap oil for America and her Allies.

The thing is American claimed time and time again that none of their army personnel could have been, or was exposed to chemical or biological weapons. The reason America made this claim was the Iraqi army had not used these types of weapons in combat against the Coalition forces.  Although American Chemical Detection and Decontamination units returned from the war with decorations, so they must have earned these medals for something. The French and other Coalition members reported there were numerous warnings from their biohazard instruments. Chemical detection units warned that there was exposure to several different types’ Bio agents.

So why does America still to this day claim there was no exposure to their military personnel, or the Iraqi civilian population? Is this because America does not want to look incompetent or admit their ignorance when conducted and leading war? Could there have been an ulterior motive, could there have been a reason why America did not protect military personnel or warn the Iraqi civilian population? It could possibly have been an illegal study on the effects and exposure to the human body. It would make a very accurate scientific model of the way these weapons spread through the community, and to find out long term effects. Now I’m not claiming this last sentence to fact, but in my opinion there’s something not right with what happened, America is one of the most knowledgeable countries, so what happened.

Some may claim this sounds like a conspiracy theory but if you do some reading you can find numerous times that American and many other countries even Canada have intentionally infected their own civilians population to see how disease, and radiation spreads and effects a group. Look back only a few decades to medical experiments, done to patients with no proper oversight or respect for their civil right and without public knowledge. There was no regard for the patient’s mental or physical health. It was like a science project, with no restrictions, this is even illegal to do with animals.

Towards the end of the 20 century there was a study, to record the effects, of certain types STD’s on the human body. All the men in the test group were African American. The doctors and nurses in the study denied the patient’s life saving penicillin, to record the physical and mental symptoms, the long term effect’s, and in the end their death. Most of the men study died agonizing deaths. After several years alone nurse that took the day to day care of these men was tried and almost faced criminal charges. She was forced to revile all the information to a medical board for a congressional hearing. During the experiments, she eventually disobeys orders and saved a few men with the penicillin against the wishes of her superiors. This study all was done legally with government funds and approval. Think of the things that our governments have and will continue to do at the top secret level and behind closed door. Years later the American Congress acknowledged the study and made a public apology to the African American population and to the families of the men.

Why did American army fail to mention that they planned to use Depleted Uranium munitions to combat Iraq’s large mechanized armor vehicles? What I don’t understand is why the American army did not warn their own army personnel about the harm these weapons will cause to human body after they are fired.  This information was only revealed to the public through leaks from soldiers, from firsthand accounts from Coalition forces and the scientific community.  America claimed depleted uranium munitions where harmless when handled. I can't imagine this to be true. Why did America use these kinds of weapons in 1991 knowing Depleted Uranium munitions are harmful to any kind of life form after they exploded or the fact that the environment is left contaminated for years to come. It appears there was no regard for American Soldiers, Coalition troop’s or the Iraqi civilian population. This is so dishonest and unessicary with the Coalitions overwhelming fire power. There should have been criminal charges laid by the international community. There was no consideration for the civilian population or the long term effects.

The reason these shells where used, is for their ability to penetrate though heavy armor like butter. The thing is these are banned munitions under the Geneva Convention. The Americans failed to disclose to the, the International Community their intentions so use such weapons. When these munitions are fired at an object the round smashes into small piece and minute particles. Well this so called harmless Depleted Uranium round is radioactive, when inhaled these particles enter the human body. In this miniature form it is deadly toxic just like chemical weapons. Then add the fact that these munitions were used in a desert region, where the depleted uranium particles blow unhindered though the desert, and neighboring countries. The particles are able to get in water supplies then radiation effects agriculture and livestock and the civilian population drinking water. 

Many scientist claim, this is the most likely cause for The Gulf War Syndrome, which has affected so many veterans and civilians from The First Gulf War. Scientific communities have proven that these weapons contaminated huge parts of the country and the population. Radiation detectors in Europe, once used to detect Soviet Nuclear weapons test, showed an increase in radioactive levels thought large parts of the planet. Most do not realize that radiation has an accumulative effect in the body and reproductive organs. The problem with this is radiation is passed from generation to generation, from parent to child. Ever since the Fist Gulf War, in Iraq there has been large increase in child deformities, cancer, poor health and stillborn deaths. This increase sky rocketed after Coalition forces beat back the Iraqi army and exited the Country. Doesn’t this sound like a issue that should be acknowledged, have the best scientific minds on the problem, their so be financial help, free medical treatment, settlements to family that have been directly affected. We caused this problem, and by not helping to correct the issues that effect’s so many men, women and children alike on a daily basis. Just the lack of help and acknowledgement should be looked at as an American war crime and a failure of the United Nations.

These radioactive levels are considered toxic to the standards in the Western World. Civilians would be discouraged from reproducing or living in this type of area. Ask yourself why America the so called Free World, defenders of Democracy, justice, and human rights poisoned the Iraqi civilians and their own U.S soldiers and has basically done nothing to rectify the situation. The Geneva conventions have strict codes for war.  Civilians should not be harmed intentionally, chemical weapons are banned, and HUMAN RIGHT’s must be upheld. This country is now a contaminated site with contaminated citizens. Some estimates claim certain types of radioactive material can take from 1000 - 100 000 years before becoming harmless to life forms. That is a ridiculous amount of time, leaving the problem should not be an option.

 Iraqi a poor, country with an over bearing criminal regime, where dealing with this radiation contamination, without adequate medical supplies, minimal money, inexperienced physicians, for over a decade. Then to add to this injustice the United Nations put sanctions on the country at the request of America. The reason America wanted to go this route with Iraq, was to weaken the  Bathest Party (Saddams Hussein’s regime). America hoped the Iraqi people would rise up and topple their government. How could this be possible? The civilian population was with minimal education, no weapons, no outside help from the international community and without the support of their Army . Actually Saddam’s regime was strengthened by the conflict. Now many Iraqi civilians believe Saddam did the right thing by fighting the criminal American Imperialist’s. America and the United Nations proved Iraqi propaganda correct when sanctions were put on the country. To Iraq’s population it seemed as if the U.N was intentionally harming the civilians in any way possible. Do to the crisis in Iraq Saddam gave more power to his personal body guards, the Republican Guard, to crush any descent or rebellions. The Republican Guard is a security force made up of a special s group of men selected for their political reliability and their ruthlessness. These citizens and soldiers were the upper class, the people that lived well and wanted to keep things the way they were at any cost. Saddam was the man who made this possible and could take it all away.

I understand the United Nations putting sanctions on military equipment and technology going to Iraq, but there were sanctions on food, medicine, and basic trade with the civilian population and in many other categories. I know this sound sarcastic but how can medicine and food make nuclear and chemical weapons? Medicine is not Plutonium. These sanctions broke the back of 90% of the Iraqi population. It seems like the West blamed the civilians for the criminal acts their government committed. These policies caused famine, job lost, disease, lack of reconstruction efforts. Only civilians were hurt by these sanctions. The Bathest Regime and Saddam Hussein made sure they still had plenty.

America created policy that Iraqi oil could not be sold on the open market for cash; it could only be traded with certain western countries for food stuffs. This could be considered economic terrorism in a sense. No country or even the International community should have the right to govern and inter fear with another countries oil supplies. This is ridicules how could Iraq get back on its feet after a ten year war with Iran, the conflict with the Coalition and then with these sanctions and trade embargos added on. Many don’t realize that America funded and supplied both sides of the Iran Iraq war with arm’s in order to weaken both countries, and to not upset the power balance in the Middle East. 

In the 1980’s America knew from their own intelligence community and from reports from inside Kurdish territory in Iraq, Saddam was using chemical weapons (cyanide gas) to kill the Kurdish minority in northern Iraq. These Kurdish civilians’ women and children were murdered with cyanide gas from the sky, because they are from a different ethnic group and a threat to Saddams regime. This is considered ethnic cleansing when you try to exterminate a particular group of people, this is a war crime. The international community by law under the United Nations is required to intervene militarily in a situation like this. Look what happened in Nazi occupied Europe to the Jewish people. This is who genocides happen. 

Saddam Hussein army also used Mustard gas and Biological weapons on Iranian military divisions during the ten year Iran Iraqi war. These chemicals and germ cultures the ingredients need for the Bio-Weapons were sold to Iraqi by Germany, France, China, Russia and America. These are the main countries that started the United Nations, created the Geneva Convention and claim to be the defenders of freedom, justice and human rights. So why did this countries supply Saddams Hussein’s criminal regime with this kind of technology, and chemical’s thought the 1970’s, 80’s and 90”. Our western countries gave, the money, the knowledge, the means to use, produce, and manufacture the very WMD we went to war for in 2003. These are the very weapons that caused The Gulf War Syndrome, America will deny this but there is ample evidence prove this wrong.

The United Nations never protested the use of chemical and biological weapons in the 1980’s on civilians or during combat with the Iranians. Then after 1991 the Gulf War and again after 911 we now considered Saddam regime a rouge and dangerous government. Back in the early 2000’s the Bush White House considered Iraq the biggest danger for nuclear war and peace in the world. This is hard to believe, seeing how poor the Country became do to sanctions and incompetent running of the country. Standing idly by when attack’s like this happen to civilians with chemical weapons is considered a war crime under the Geneva conventions. The international communities have policies where they are forced to act in these situations. The U.N is the body that created these rules, so why aren’t the enforcing them?

These are the very same weapons of mass destruction; we went to war to destroy under George Bush’s Junior’s in 2003.  Why wasn’t Saddam’s Hussein regime toppled, executed or arrested in 1991. The international community had the chance to do this in 1991. There were the proper amounts of troops to occupy the country until a new democratic government was formed and protected by the new Iraqi armed forces. The reason for war in 2003 (7yr war) was the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime and the supposed disarmament of Iraq’s Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons. No such weapons or facilities were ever found throughout the whole 2003 occupation.

The truth is the 2003 American intelligence was fabricated, these weapons of mass destruction where destroyed during and after 1991 by the U.S military and United Nations weapons inspectors. It is almost like the America had a vendetta for their failure to remove Saddam Hussein in 1991. In that time George Bush senior respected the U.N’s resolution to expel the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, which is why the conflict could not be expanded to occupy Iraq.

The way America in 2003 went about purposely misleading the United Nations, using incorrect and fabricated intelligence reports, should be a crime. Almost every other country would have been reprimanded and would pay in one way or another. The U.N sets international laws, invaded another nation, without their authorization, is simply illegal . So why does America feel they are immune from this body of nations, that America helped create, indorsed and supported the U.N after World War Two.

The problem is Americas monopoly on power, who besides China and Russia can challenge America economically or militarily, and if one of these countries decided to take action against the U.S.A it would lead to Atomic War. If you go against America you will some way or another reap the whirlwind, look what happened to Iraq? See if any other Second or Third class country where to do what America does the United Nations would consider this terrorism or a War Crime. Just like in 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, to secure oil wells and raise the price of oil to pay off war debts.

So in conclusion after reading this article and examining the facts, which I went to great lengths to researcher, to make sure that the information is accurate. See the reason the U.S.A is able to defy 90% of the countries that make up The United Nations is because America control’s the most modern and effective military force, the post powerful navy due to the fact that they own a dozen or so nuclear powered Aircraft Carriers. Each one of these ships can control a whole air wing roughly 80 or more aircraft. Basically each aircraft carrier is equal to the Air forces of most nations, with the exception of China, Russia Britain, and Israel. This gives America air superiority over any battle field from the relative safety of the sea.

Then to top all this power off America has the most modern weapon delivery systems, with the largest and most capable nuclear and bio weapons industry. This means they are able to drop a warhead with pinpoint accuracy anywhere on Earth. No one is technically safe from U.S power, so I can see why so many nations want Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) guarantee their survival and sovereignty. No country to my knowledge has ever been forcibly destroyed while they have Nuclear Weapons.