Wednesday 6 July 2011

Job creation/ green technology

            Global Warming Concerns ECO Friendly Energy Canada

Why doesn't Canada use some of our expertise and stimulus money to research and perfect new renewable energy sources? We could start by revamping and updating our manufacturing industry. 

 Many of Canada’s large factories and corporations are now moving their facilities and jobs over sea's, where they are able to stay competitive and make record profits. Now this may be beneficial for large corporations and the owners of these companies, but it is disastrous for the average worker, and the economy. In my opinion, this is a major contributing factor to our high unemployment rate,  poor wages and economic troubles.   

The Canadian government and entrepreneurs could turn this dangerous issue of global warming, into a positive, by investing capital into renewable energy sources. This would create jobs, educate a new generation, and keep us competitive in world manufacturing markets. Large oil addicted countries like America, Russia, and China will wait until the very last minute to make the change from oil, to renewable clean energy. Canada could benefit and profit from these countries backwardness by selling proven method's and equipment, that are renewable and ECO friendly energy sources. Imagine how large this market could be in these large industrialized nations.

There will be many different technologies and approaches to combating global warming. We would not have to put all our eggs in one basket. A few technologies we could improve on: are wind power, Hydro Electricity, free flow turbines and synthetic fuels. Yes we all know about wind mills, but there is also wave powered systems that create clean electricity.

Another system work's on the same concept as a shake-able powered flashlight. See when the waves come in and out, a float is raised and lowered. This up and down motion produces electricity. I think this is a good approach; Canada has many rivers, the Great Lakes, and a massive coast where facilities could be installed. Another approach is to use the tides and currents in our rivers to turn turbines; I'm not talking about electric dams. It's similar to a wind turbine but water spins the blades instead of wind. We know this would produce a steady flow of electricity because we are able to map out the tides and water table.

One other idea instead of using corn to create ethanol is a process called cellulose. What you need to do is ferment vegetation, water and sugar. You can use almost any kind of green vegetation (ex) weeds, dandelions, left over’s from crops such as corn stocks, wheat and even grass clippings. Then, when it is fermented for a given amount of time you distill the mixture just like alcohol. In the end you have a high burning more ECO friendly fuel. With this method we would not need to draw so heavily on corn to make ethanol. Using corn would raise the price of livestock, poultry, corn germ, corn meal and fructose.

Finally their is clean coal Technology this works on the scrubbing out and storing green house gas's. I have included a diagram to show you how the technology works.