Wednesday 20 April 2011

Crime Prevention Canada

Crime Prevention or Super Max Prisons <Canada>

What about crime prevention in Canada and throughout North America. Criminals do not recognize our borders. The Canadian Government should try to help Canadian youths and first time offenders, rehabilitate themselves through drug rehab, A.A programs and provide cost free counseling. This may help offenders become involved in the community and become respectful law abiding citizens. ( I don't mean jail rehabilitation). Yes not all crimes deserve a second chance, especially murderers, sexual crimes or violent offenses.

I have a question, why does the Conservatives party in Canada feel it is necessary to increase sentences, on petty crimes. Why is it the Local and Federal Governments won't try to understand the reasons why people commit these crimes. Maybe more tax dollars could be spent on crime prevention and awareness instead of spending large amounts of money on building new Super Max Jail Facilities in both the Federal and Provincial categories.

The Canadian Liberal Government was on the ball in my opinion; with saying this isn't the way to fix the problem. I think sending young first time offenders to these jails turns them into more hardened criminals, 9 times out of 10. Once they receive a Provincial or Federal criminal record, their lives can change forever; even a provincial charge can effect employment options.

Once your name is in the system, the offender looks guilty, even when a business does a criminal background check before they hire you. I know this from firsthand experience; employers are not in favor with giving you the benefit of the doubt. Some, not all people feel there is no other option when their kids are hungry, their utilities are being shut off or they might possibly lose their homes.
Yes there will always be crime because a small group of people don't want to work, or conform to our society. But when people are desperate and in financial trouble, and all legitimate avenues are exhausted, some turn to crime when they can't find employment, desperate time, desperate measures.

So in conclusion there should be more Government policies to help with temporary financial relief. This would help someone in need of keeping up with payments whether it is house or car. One example could be small jobs around their community, snow shoveling, lawn care, cleaning up trash, tree planting etc. Isn't this better than putting people on welfare where they are not able to fully support themselves or retain any of their hard earned equity.