Thursday 21 April 2011

North West Passage Canada

North West Passage
North West Passage Canadian Sovereignty
        So for the past few years we hear more and more about the Arctic, and the damage being done to the Planet by humans pumping out massive amount of green house gas. Basically everyone knows about the dangers of global warming. The melting Arctic and world wide loses of glaciers. So one of the major concerns for Canadians is the opening of the north west passage. Year by year the ice in north is melting and soon their will be a completely open shortcut for shipping lanes. Now all major countries want a free pass through the Canadian Arctic, like The European union, America, Russia, China and dozens of other nations. Now if these countries treat the northern passage like international waters their is very little over site and respect of the ecosystems. Think back to the Exon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24 1989. Some estimate's claim 260,000 to 750 000 barrels of crude oil spilled into the sea.

North West Passage

        Until the recent spill last year in the Golf of Mexico, the Exon Valdez was one of the most devastating man made disasters. This spill happened about 21 years ago and the Sea Otter population was one of the hardest hit animals in the region. The population are roughly have of what they were in 1988. The Eco system is to delicate in Arctic region. One of the problem is year after year more International ship with use this route, and the crews will become less and less experienced and the ships hauling goods will be unequipped to deal with Arctic hazards. This combination is an accident waiting to happen.

        So when a disaster happens in this area of the world Canada will be left with the environment damage and the cost of clean ups, because the North West Passage is routed thought upper Canada. Many nations are know targeting the north because their are many resource's to exploit. So I think the Canadian government needs to put more legislation thought the United Nations to make are coasts and inland water more protected.

Exon Valdez Spill