Sunday 14 August 2011

What Can I Do As An Individual To Help Combat Global Warming?

Global warming is one of the most serious issue human beings have ever had to face.  We are aware of the fatal consequences of this disaster, we know how to fix the problem and we know it will affect all life on the planet, human, animal, plant and even sea creatures. So why does it seem like instead of moving forward on this issue we are retreating to our old attitude and ways of think. This problem should take top priority, the choices made in the next 5 years possibly a decade, will affect every creature on the planet, the only thing in my opinion that could be worse than global warming, is nuclear war.

We the people, the average citizens need to get our politicians to stop the bikering and political rhetoric needs to end, you would think our politicians would be on the ball with this one major issue, their names will be remember in history as the men in women that were only concerned about election results, their paychecks, and their political clout.  You would think they would be concerned that about the world wide famine global warming will cause, this will even affect these politicians directly, it won’t just be Africans dying of starvation and food related illnesses, this will cause the extinction of most creatures and the major crops that support our modern civilization. It scares me that these very men and women hold all the major cards in this situation and continue to deny or at the very least do nothing to combat this issue.

So what is going on this, this disaster started and reached a critical point within the average person’s life span, don’t we owe the following generations a planet that is in the same conditions as when we inherited it. The Global Warming disaster could be put on shoulders of the last three to four generations. You would think the very people that could make a direct and noticeable impact on climate change would do this for their children and grand children, and this in its self would be the main reason to act, sometimes I doubt that our “ELECTED” public servants are not even concerned about the people they represent and their quality of their life. It is bad enough the next few generations will be left with massive debt from this world wide recession, the never ending conflicts in the Middle East, and then we leave them a polluted and molested planet.

So why are our world leaders stalling? Is it because they are scared to be the bringer of bad news? “They don’t want to be the messenger that gets shot”. We the people should and could force the change; the system is to slow when it comes to almost any issue, and there is minimal time left when dealing with climate change. I think maybe a board or body which is not politaclly bound needs to be chosen not by the government but by the people. This group or board should have far reaching and long lasting powers let’s say the next decade; this way their attention will undivided and completely focused on the problem at hand not upcoming elections. I think this panel could be made of scientist from around the world we have the UN, and they have the structure and resources in place to implement this idea.

 I think a major reason the average citizen has a what can I do attitude when it comes to global warming, is  the fact that they feel they are only one person, and how could I the individual have a noticeable impact on climate change. What you need to consider is, if every person were to think this way, there will continue to be 6 billion people dumping out emissions as a group, this is the way we got into this disaster. I do not think anyone wants to see global warming go too far, especially if you have children or grandchildren, we all want the best for our loved ones.

Once these changes reach a certain limit we have hit the point of no return, the climate is out of our hands, it is over; ”runaway climate change”. We are all guilty as a group, almost every person in the developed world is guilty of complacency, doing nothing, which is the worst thing we could do. We need to blog about it, talk to seniors and especially our children. Consider the condition you want the planet to be in when we pass it down to the next generation? We all wish for the best, but good intentions is not enough,  It is up to us the individual to set the tone when dealing with global warming.

Each family should raise their kids to have a new respect for the environment and the dangers of climate change. You could make recycling a fun competition, each week try to shrink your garbage output, and increase your recycling, reward your children for these actions, if you make it fun, kids will go for it. If we set these trends yearly in their lives, then this mentality will stay with them in later life. We can talk the talk about being environmentally friendly, but when our politicians see that we have matched our actions to our words they will either shape up or be voted out. Politicians will follow public opinion, if the majority of citizens all want the same changes, we will be successful. It seems North Americans have forgotten we have a voice and the vote, we live in a Democratic country, and if we ban together, and find a unified voice real change can and will happen.

So what can the average person do in everyday life to reduce their, environmental footprint? What if I would like to make a direct impact and difference in this situation?  According to the T.V, the media, commercials, and the government I would need to purchase things like: hybrid cars, new energy efficient products, purchase carbon off set credits, and make sure I by the most expensive green items, purchase, purchase, purchase. If you don’t have the cash borrow some.  Am I the only one that finds this ridiculous, this is how we got into these problems, we consume too much.

Let’s talk about realistic things that each one of us can do to start combating global warming, I know driving and flying are nessicary evils, we all have to go to work. So here is a relatively easy way to help the planet, you may think this sounds ridicules at first, even silly I know I did, but it is true. The third most effective thing an individual can do to make a direct impact on climate change, is cut back on the amount of beef we ingest. If one were to look at the full process of turning cattle into food they would realize how much, damage this food source does to our planet.

Let’s look at the full picture of getting beef to your plate, consider the steps required, transporation, power plants, refrigerated factories, chemical plants, logistics, and many other sources of green house gasses. If you were to only look at cattle farms you would see that just raising the cattle contributes to 10% of the planets warming effect each year. As opposed to Shell the energy company, which contributes to 30 percent of the planets warming effect and they are an oil and gas producer. The fact that beef is so commonly used and has a relatively low cost more and more families are forced to rely on beef, Look at all the dollar menu deals in the fast food sector, they are based around cheap beef.

Cattle herds are the third biggest producer of methane gas on the planet. One third of planet’s agricultural land is used for grazing these massive herds of cattle instead of grow crops to supplement beef. These herds also directly add one third of the planets methane into the environment annually. Methane is considered one of the more destructive green house gases; it is 20 times more dangerous when it comes to warming the planet then carbon dioxide. The reason for this is due to the continual burping of the cattle, roughly 90 of the methane is released this way, and the remaining 10 percent is from cow manure. There are 1.5 to 2 billion cows on the planet and this is always increasing. Cattle herds are one of the major contributors to acid rain because of massive amounts of urine these cow release. Now I know these are hard facts to believe but I have researched this information from multiple sources. The current trend of beef, beef, beef is just one more unsustainable thing we humans rely on which has catastrophic consequences.

Let’s consider the steps required to get  beef onto your plate, this will also give you an idea of the impact on the environment. First the cattle needs to be shipped in a truck or train to the slaughter house, from there they are slaughtered and processed this step also requires massive amount of fresh water. Then this meat is shipped by truck or train to a butcher shop, in some cases it is shipped to another packaging plant, were it is packaged in plastic and Styrofoam, which also comes from a factory and more transportation is required. From there the beef is shipped to the grocery store, were you drive your car to get your fresh beef.

Look at all the natural resources used in this process, then add the methane gasses the cattle release, this will give you get an idea of the impact on the environment, most of this damage is permanent. Here is a disturbing fact; to get a 16 oz  steak on your plate 15 000 liters of freshwater will be used in the processing of the beef, then add the water the cow consumes while alive and the massive amount of feed these herds require.

What I find troubling is the industrialized scale we use to produce our meats, this is the reason for the high rate of contamination and ecolie outbreaks. Another reason for contamination is the meat from thousands of cows are mixed together, in a single batch so one sick cows can cause massive of amounts of meat to become potentially deadly. Just watch the news millions of pounds of beef are recalled more and more frequently because of bacteria, and diseases, which is usually discovered after people mostly children, or seniors contract an illness from the beef. By this time the tainted products are already in thousands of homes and in most grocery stores.

One reason for the ecolie contamination found in our crops such as spinach is due to the fact that industrial sized cattle farms are located in the same area as we grow our vegetables and crops.  It is a proven fact that the runoff or manure from these cattle farms contaminates the other food sources nearby and can also contaminate ground water, the very wells we humans get drinking water from.

Year after year the average North American consumes more beef due to the low cost and the popularity of the meat at fast food restaurants. Mc Donald’s is the largest buyer of beef in North America. One estimate is by 2040 the worlds consumption of beef will double. The amount of cattle we have on the planet is already unsustainable. The local trend in Canada already consists of major flooding and then drought all in the same season in Canada’s most productive farming regions. How can we double the amount of cattle without having a collapse of their water and food sources? Where will the herds go, how could they be feed and where will the fresh water come from?

In conclusion there are productive and realistic ways for each individual to reduce their green house gas output (environmental footprint) without purchasing every new energy efficient green product on the market. It can be rather simple, and your life does not need to be drastically changed. By simply reducing your consumption of beef:  your health would improve, due to the lack of red meats. Don’t forget if enough people made this same change the demand on cattle would shrink, we would free up large chunks of land, produce less Methane Gas, and our consumption of precious fresh water would drop. It is up to you and me to help set the trends that will help save our planet, and create a brighter and healthier planet and future for the generations to come.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Job creation/ green technology

            Global Warming Concerns ECO Friendly Energy Canada

Why doesn't Canada use some of our expertise and stimulus money to research and perfect new renewable energy sources? We could start by revamping and updating our manufacturing industry. 

 Many of Canada’s large factories and corporations are now moving their facilities and jobs over sea's, where they are able to stay competitive and make record profits. Now this may be beneficial for large corporations and the owners of these companies, but it is disastrous for the average worker, and the economy. In my opinion, this is a major contributing factor to our high unemployment rate,  poor wages and economic troubles.   

The Canadian government and entrepreneurs could turn this dangerous issue of global warming, into a positive, by investing capital into renewable energy sources. This would create jobs, educate a new generation, and keep us competitive in world manufacturing markets. Large oil addicted countries like America, Russia, and China will wait until the very last minute to make the change from oil, to renewable clean energy. Canada could benefit and profit from these countries backwardness by selling proven method's and equipment, that are renewable and ECO friendly energy sources. Imagine how large this market could be in these large industrialized nations.

There will be many different technologies and approaches to combating global warming. We would not have to put all our eggs in one basket. A few technologies we could improve on: are wind power, Hydro Electricity, free flow turbines and synthetic fuels. Yes we all know about wind mills, but there is also wave powered systems that create clean electricity.

Another system work's on the same concept as a shake-able powered flashlight. See when the waves come in and out, a float is raised and lowered. This up and down motion produces electricity. I think this is a good approach; Canada has many rivers, the Great Lakes, and a massive coast where facilities could be installed. Another approach is to use the tides and currents in our rivers to turn turbines; I'm not talking about electric dams. It's similar to a wind turbine but water spins the blades instead of wind. We know this would produce a steady flow of electricity because we are able to map out the tides and water table.

One other idea instead of using corn to create ethanol is a process called cellulose. What you need to do is ferment vegetation, water and sugar. You can use almost any kind of green vegetation (ex) weeds, dandelions, left over’s from crops such as corn stocks, wheat and even grass clippings. Then, when it is fermented for a given amount of time you distill the mixture just like alcohol. In the end you have a high burning more ECO friendly fuel. With this method we would not need to draw so heavily on corn to make ethanol. Using corn would raise the price of livestock, poultry, corn germ, corn meal and fructose.

Finally their is clean coal Technology this works on the scrubbing out and storing green house gas's. I have included a diagram to show you how the technology works.


Tuesday 5 July 2011

Iraq Deleted uranium American Legacy

Recently I have taken a big interest on America’s contamination of the country Iraq through the use of Depleted uranium weapons, which were used during the first and second Gulf War. Not only where Iraqi civilians effected by this radioactive material, the American military put their own personnel in the middle of this conflict with no knowledge about the dangers of depleted uranium, nor were adequate precautions taken to protect their health.

Depleted uranium does not naturally occur in nature. Scientist claim this material remains radioactive for 4.5 billion years. This heavy metal was first manufactured in 1940 by America, it is a radioactive heavy metal left behind from uranium enrichment, this process is how U235 is created for Atomic weapons, and fuel for nuclear power plants. Depleted uranium was first considered a dangerous waste product in the 1940’s with no major application.

The reason for these large stock piles of this radioactive metal was due to Cold War arms buildup (East vs West). Most nations felt their very survival of their nation hung on their ability to manufacture and control ever expanding nuclear arsenals. Numerous world powers like Russia, France, Britain, and China, and in more recent years Arab Nations decided they also need the Atomic bomb. Well with all this Uranium enrichment going on around the world massive amounts of depleted uranium were stockpiled,  large sums money where spent to store this left over uranium.

 In the early 1970’s America discovered Russia (the Soviet Union) was testing armored vehicles made of this ultra dense metal Depleted Uranium. Like any arms race America needed to follow suit with these new types of armored military vehicle, a new weapon system was needed to penetrate and destroy these vehicle, this is where Depleted Uranium munitions became part of American military doctrine.

America is the largest producer of armament’s (weapons) made from Depleted Uranium; they sell these dangerous weapons to many criminal and aggressive nations around the world. These weapons not only have the ability to kill when fired but they also lay waste to large tracks of land through contamination.

In more recent decades we have found more and more uses for this metal not all are so dangerous. There are safer uses for depleted uranium then turning this deadly material in weapons of war. There are several use for this heavy metal in the civilian sector, these include, counterweights in aircraft, radiation shielding for cancer therapy equipment, industrial radiography equipment, and transport containers. So there are safe and productive uses this dangerous metal, what I find unacceptable and I consider criminal, is turning this radioactive waste into weapons of war, tank armor, missiles, artillery torpedoes, bombs, and even ammunition for small fire arms.

It is bad enough there are massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the world, but at least there is a somewhat of a healthy fear of atomic bombs. We are aware of the consequences if these weapons were used, but with Depleted Uranium most nations think nothing of the danger of using this weapon on such a large scale like in combat. It seems, instead of keeping this waste in our own countries it is more convent and cost efficient to dump it off on other nations.

Depleted Uranium projectiles (weapons) are in their most deadly state after impact. The round or warhead fragments into many sizes, the most harmful particles are microscopic; in this form the particles are easily inhaled or ingested, into the human body. Theses dust sized particles are then able to enter into the water table; from there it gets into the water supply, where once again it is able to enter the human body through drinking water, agriculture, and livestock. So it is impossible for the civilians in this region to escape the radiation contamination.

There is no safe amount of radiation exposure for the human body. Uranium has an accumulative effect this means, once radiation enters the body it remains there for good. After each time the body is exposed to radiation it continues to build up on itself. No one knows for sure how large of a dose is required to affect a person’s health. What is understood is radiation destroys the immune system, healthy tissue, cell structure, which eventually causes cancer; lose of hair, massive burns, and all kinds of other health defects even death. What is more troubling is the danger radiation poses to the reproductive organs, this causes birth defects (deformities) to a person’s offspring, which in turn is passed down from generation to generation.

The difference with nuclear energy, radiation therapy in a medical center or even in the lab setting, precaution are taken, there are procedures to minimize and prevent exposure to the human body. The government sets laws and standers to protect workers, and patient’s health. The law requires exsorbtion rates in the facility are monitored to calculate the amount of exposure a worker deals with over a particular length of time.

I find it very troubling that America and Great Britain used Depleted Uranium weapons during the first Gulf War. Depleted Uranium munitions where not only used to destroy Iraq’s heavy armored vehicle but to engage targets in densely populated civilian areas. This is ridiculous destroying power station, water works, industrial targets, and communication center and government buildings with radioactive waste in the middle of cities were women and children live, non combatants.

The reason so many civilians were exposed to depleted Uranium was Saddam Hussein tried to protect important Industrial facilities in densely populated civilian areas. The reason was to discourage the Coalition Forces (mainly America & Britain) from destroying these much needed targets, due to the high risk of civilian causalities. This is what America refers to as Collateral Damage!  America, and Britain hit these facilities from the air, this in turn caused indiscriminate deaths and contaminated civilians. Not only were these massive explosions deadly, but these munitions left radioactive particles witch spread all over the country. Bagdad was the hardest hit area in an attempt to weaken the government, and turn the civilian population against the regime.

You would think America would be concerned about world opinion for the destruction of large civilian areas, and the long term health effects from radiation contamination. There was no policy or agency put in place to attempt to clean or quarantine the contamination in Iraq. It also appears the U.S military took no consideration or regard for the, long term health of thousand of the first Gulf War’s veterans, or political consequences in America. The army personnel came home with unexplainable mental and physical health issues, witch doctors later called Gulf War Syndrome.

After the first Gulf War Iraqi scientists tried to alert the international community to the issues that were plaguing their civilian population, these scientists attempted bring these issues to the United Nations and in front of the world. Iraq needed the help and expertise from western scientists to try to treat, and diagnose the illness. Instead America and Britain did everything in their power to stop health inspectors, physicians and scientist from entering the country. America claimed these health problems were Iraqi propaganda, and did nothing to support or acknowledge theses issues. It seems no one knows the full extent of the damage done to Iraq and their civilian population, because the radioactive debry is still all over the country. People are exposed on a daily basis to this radiation.

Scientific studies conducted by western scientists in the late 1990’s found  50% of children born in Baghdad are stillborn. The study also found 60% children in Baghdad that survive birth are born with birth defects witch closely resemble, the babies born after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion. America veterans from the first Gulf War and their children face similar problems to the Iraqi civilian population. Their children are also born with these health problems and birth defects .What I don’t understand is why America would used these weapons knowing the dangers posed to the civilian population, and the risk to Americas own army personnel.

 American Veterans returning from the first Gulf War started almost immediately reporting serious health problem and concerns to Army Physicians. Instead of receiving help and the health care these soldiers are entitled too, because of their profession, they found America’s politicians, policy makers, high ranking military members, government funded physician and scientist did everything in their power to cover up , flat out deny, and claim ignorance to how and why these health problem came up.

Instead of trying to diagnose, investigate and eventually treating Gulf War Syndrome, the government wasted time and large sums of money to prove these soldier were either trying to fraud the system or it was a metal issue. In this case the government claimed these soldiers were imagining these symptoms so basically it was their fault. In the end there was too much overwhelming evidence in support of the veterans, yet minimal to no help was given. It’s like America has no concern or respect for the very men in women that are send into combat. These veterans are heroes they went on the drop of a hate to liberate Kuwait and protect Americas oil supply and Allies in the region.

The American government will never admit their failures, responsibility to protect the Iraqi civilian population or even their own Army personnel in that conflict. It seems America has the monopoly on using radioactive weapons against civilians to win wars. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Why is it America feels they are the nation that has the right to punish, threaten war, or lay sanctions against certain countries that they feel should not have nuclear weapons, such as Iraq, Iran, North Korea. America has the largest stock pile of nuclear weapons. They also have a track record of destroying or threatening civilian targets with nuclear weapons or nuclear waste. This is a very hypocritical policy. Does it even occur to America these countries want atomic weapons to protect themselves from a hostile west such as NATO.  Now don’t get me wrong I’m also concerned about the dangers of rouge nations with these types of weapons.

 I live in Canada were we do not attack other nations with radioactive weapons or waste and I think America is wrong and should take responsibility for the damage they have inflicted on civilians with these weapons. America should also change their approach and attitude to nations they feel should go without atomic weapons. Now I’m not naive things are not that simple, but I would imagine better results with changing American and the United Nations policies in this regard to other nation.

One last thing, America is the largest distributor of munitions made from depleted uranium, and this needs to change, look at the outcome of the first Gulf War, how many Iraqi civilians were exposed to radiation, these people were not guilty of anything. What about the men and women that served under the  American military and look what they got for their trouble. This was mess, hopefully other nations learn from these mistakes.

Friday 10 June 2011

America Terrorism against Iraqi Civilians First Gulf

America Terrorism against Iraqi Civilians First Gulf

Most Westerners and European civilians do not realize that the first Gulf War was a major disaster, for America as well as Iraq, even though the war was won in 3 days with minimal war casualties.  It was catastrophic for the Iraqi civilian populations in terms as health as well as their economic standing. This is not what our politicians, the media or even the Armed Forces (the coalition) lead us to belief.

To West the conflict was portrayed as complete success, all the war aims where meet. Sadam Hussein regime was weakened militarily, as well as any political clout with the international community. Kuwait was free, no longer occupied by Iraqi forces and the cost and supply of oil was once again protected. The first sign of trouble first started when U.S army personnel returned home from Iraqi plagued by unexplainable symptoms’. The mysterious symptoms that affected these veterans, was later named Gulf War Syndrome. Many of these soldiers were unable to continue with their military career’s; some Veterans were unable to live a normal and productive life due to pain, sickness, nightmares, respiratory problems, PTSD, emotional damage, and many other symptoms.

The majority of Physicians and Psychologist uncovered a rather large group of first Gulf War veterans that where suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder <PTSD> and this new Gulf War Syndrome. This is kind of hard to believe, when you take into consideration the actual fighting the Americans where engaged in was around 73 hours.  Many prominent Scientists, Psychologist and Physicians explain how the most likely cause for Gulf War Syndrome was exposure to chemical and biological agents when destroying Iraq’s chemical production facilities and weapons. The Coalition Forces feared their troop where in harm’s way do to the potential use of these weapons by Saddam Army, and instead the U.S accidently exposed their own personnel indirectly.

When America destroyed these chemical weapons the deadly agents inside escaped and where released into the environment. Basically the wind carried the contents from inside the warheads. Soldiers and civilians were exposed do to the lack of proper protection. This is outrageous do to the fact that America knew the extent of the danger because of what happened when Saddam used these types of weapons to try to wipe out the Kurdish rebels, cities and family members. America forced their army personnel to take Vaccinations just in case they were attacked by these weapons. The United Nations also worried about the danger of Bio and Chemical weapons if fired against civilians in Kuwait, Israel, or Saudi Arabia. This is why America did everything in their power to claim Gulf War Syndrome was nothing more the mental problems. This makes America look like they are incompetent, and not serious about protecting their soldier or the people they went to war for. It wasn’t about stopping aggression or because it was the right thing to do. It was to be done as quickly as possible regardless of the possible cost in casualties. The conflict was waged to protect and grantee the safe passage of cheap oil for America and her Allies.

The thing is American claimed time and time again that none of their army personnel could have been, or was exposed to chemical or biological weapons. The reason America made this claim was the Iraqi army had not used these types of weapons in combat against the Coalition forces.  Although American Chemical Detection and Decontamination units returned from the war with decorations, so they must have earned these medals for something. The French and other Coalition members reported there were numerous warnings from their biohazard instruments. Chemical detection units warned that there was exposure to several different types’ Bio agents.

So why does America still to this day claim there was no exposure to their military personnel, or the Iraqi civilian population? Is this because America does not want to look incompetent or admit their ignorance when conducted and leading war? Could there have been an ulterior motive, could there have been a reason why America did not protect military personnel or warn the Iraqi civilian population? It could possibly have been an illegal study on the effects and exposure to the human body. It would make a very accurate scientific model of the way these weapons spread through the community, and to find out long term effects. Now I’m not claiming this last sentence to fact, but in my opinion there’s something not right with what happened, America is one of the most knowledgeable countries, so what happened.

Some may claim this sounds like a conspiracy theory but if you do some reading you can find numerous times that American and many other countries even Canada have intentionally infected their own civilians population to see how disease, and radiation spreads and effects a group. Look back only a few decades to medical experiments, done to patients with no proper oversight or respect for their civil right and without public knowledge. There was no regard for the patient’s mental or physical health. It was like a science project, with no restrictions, this is even illegal to do with animals.

Towards the end of the 20 century there was a study, to record the effects, of certain types STD’s on the human body. All the men in the test group were African American. The doctors and nurses in the study denied the patient’s life saving penicillin, to record the physical and mental symptoms, the long term effect’s, and in the end their death. Most of the men study died agonizing deaths. After several years alone nurse that took the day to day care of these men was tried and almost faced criminal charges. She was forced to revile all the information to a medical board for a congressional hearing. During the experiments, she eventually disobeys orders and saved a few men with the penicillin against the wishes of her superiors. This study all was done legally with government funds and approval. Think of the things that our governments have and will continue to do at the top secret level and behind closed door. Years later the American Congress acknowledged the study and made a public apology to the African American population and to the families of the men.

Why did American army fail to mention that they planned to use Depleted Uranium munitions to combat Iraq’s large mechanized armor vehicles? What I don’t understand is why the American army did not warn their own army personnel about the harm these weapons will cause to human body after they are fired.  This information was only revealed to the public through leaks from soldiers, from firsthand accounts from Coalition forces and the scientific community.  America claimed depleted uranium munitions where harmless when handled. I can't imagine this to be true. Why did America use these kinds of weapons in 1991 knowing Depleted Uranium munitions are harmful to any kind of life form after they exploded or the fact that the environment is left contaminated for years to come. It appears there was no regard for American Soldiers, Coalition troop’s or the Iraqi civilian population. This is so dishonest and unessicary with the Coalitions overwhelming fire power. There should have been criminal charges laid by the international community. There was no consideration for the civilian population or the long term effects.

The reason these shells where used, is for their ability to penetrate though heavy armor like butter. The thing is these are banned munitions under the Geneva Convention. The Americans failed to disclose to the, the International Community their intentions so use such weapons. When these munitions are fired at an object the round smashes into small piece and minute particles. Well this so called harmless Depleted Uranium round is radioactive, when inhaled these particles enter the human body. In this miniature form it is deadly toxic just like chemical weapons. Then add the fact that these munitions were used in a desert region, where the depleted uranium particles blow unhindered though the desert, and neighboring countries. The particles are able to get in water supplies then radiation effects agriculture and livestock and the civilian population drinking water. 

Many scientist claim, this is the most likely cause for The Gulf War Syndrome, which has affected so many veterans and civilians from The First Gulf War. Scientific communities have proven that these weapons contaminated huge parts of the country and the population. Radiation detectors in Europe, once used to detect Soviet Nuclear weapons test, showed an increase in radioactive levels thought large parts of the planet. Most do not realize that radiation has an accumulative effect in the body and reproductive organs. The problem with this is radiation is passed from generation to generation, from parent to child. Ever since the Fist Gulf War, in Iraq there has been large increase in child deformities, cancer, poor health and stillborn deaths. This increase sky rocketed after Coalition forces beat back the Iraqi army and exited the Country. Doesn’t this sound like a issue that should be acknowledged, have the best scientific minds on the problem, their so be financial help, free medical treatment, settlements to family that have been directly affected. We caused this problem, and by not helping to correct the issues that effect’s so many men, women and children alike on a daily basis. Just the lack of help and acknowledgement should be looked at as an American war crime and a failure of the United Nations.

These radioactive levels are considered toxic to the standards in the Western World. Civilians would be discouraged from reproducing or living in this type of area. Ask yourself why America the so called Free World, defenders of Democracy, justice, and human rights poisoned the Iraqi civilians and their own U.S soldiers and has basically done nothing to rectify the situation. The Geneva conventions have strict codes for war.  Civilians should not be harmed intentionally, chemical weapons are banned, and HUMAN RIGHT’s must be upheld. This country is now a contaminated site with contaminated citizens. Some estimates claim certain types of radioactive material can take from 1000 - 100 000 years before becoming harmless to life forms. That is a ridiculous amount of time, leaving the problem should not be an option.

 Iraqi a poor, country with an over bearing criminal regime, where dealing with this radiation contamination, without adequate medical supplies, minimal money, inexperienced physicians, for over a decade. Then to add to this injustice the United Nations put sanctions on the country at the request of America. The reason America wanted to go this route with Iraq, was to weaken the  Bathest Party (Saddams Hussein’s regime). America hoped the Iraqi people would rise up and topple their government. How could this be possible? The civilian population was with minimal education, no weapons, no outside help from the international community and without the support of their Army . Actually Saddam’s regime was strengthened by the conflict. Now many Iraqi civilians believe Saddam did the right thing by fighting the criminal American Imperialist’s. America and the United Nations proved Iraqi propaganda correct when sanctions were put on the country. To Iraq’s population it seemed as if the U.N was intentionally harming the civilians in any way possible. Do to the crisis in Iraq Saddam gave more power to his personal body guards, the Republican Guard, to crush any descent or rebellions. The Republican Guard is a security force made up of a special s group of men selected for their political reliability and their ruthlessness. These citizens and soldiers were the upper class, the people that lived well and wanted to keep things the way they were at any cost. Saddam was the man who made this possible and could take it all away.

I understand the United Nations putting sanctions on military equipment and technology going to Iraq, but there were sanctions on food, medicine, and basic trade with the civilian population and in many other categories. I know this sound sarcastic but how can medicine and food make nuclear and chemical weapons? Medicine is not Plutonium. These sanctions broke the back of 90% of the Iraqi population. It seems like the West blamed the civilians for the criminal acts their government committed. These policies caused famine, job lost, disease, lack of reconstruction efforts. Only civilians were hurt by these sanctions. The Bathest Regime and Saddam Hussein made sure they still had plenty.

America created policy that Iraqi oil could not be sold on the open market for cash; it could only be traded with certain western countries for food stuffs. This could be considered economic terrorism in a sense. No country or even the International community should have the right to govern and inter fear with another countries oil supplies. This is ridicules how could Iraq get back on its feet after a ten year war with Iran, the conflict with the Coalition and then with these sanctions and trade embargos added on. Many don’t realize that America funded and supplied both sides of the Iran Iraq war with arm’s in order to weaken both countries, and to not upset the power balance in the Middle East. 

In the 1980’s America knew from their own intelligence community and from reports from inside Kurdish territory in Iraq, Saddam was using chemical weapons (cyanide gas) to kill the Kurdish minority in northern Iraq. These Kurdish civilians’ women and children were murdered with cyanide gas from the sky, because they are from a different ethnic group and a threat to Saddams regime. This is considered ethnic cleansing when you try to exterminate a particular group of people, this is a war crime. The international community by law under the United Nations is required to intervene militarily in a situation like this. Look what happened in Nazi occupied Europe to the Jewish people. This is who genocides happen. 

Saddam Hussein army also used Mustard gas and Biological weapons on Iranian military divisions during the ten year Iran Iraqi war. These chemicals and germ cultures the ingredients need for the Bio-Weapons were sold to Iraqi by Germany, France, China, Russia and America. These are the main countries that started the United Nations, created the Geneva Convention and claim to be the defenders of freedom, justice and human rights. So why did this countries supply Saddams Hussein’s criminal regime with this kind of technology, and chemical’s thought the 1970’s, 80’s and 90”. Our western countries gave, the money, the knowledge, the means to use, produce, and manufacture the very WMD we went to war for in 2003. These are the very weapons that caused The Gulf War Syndrome, America will deny this but there is ample evidence prove this wrong.

The United Nations never protested the use of chemical and biological weapons in the 1980’s on civilians or during combat with the Iranians. Then after 1991 the Gulf War and again after 911 we now considered Saddam regime a rouge and dangerous government. Back in the early 2000’s the Bush White House considered Iraq the biggest danger for nuclear war and peace in the world. This is hard to believe, seeing how poor the Country became do to sanctions and incompetent running of the country. Standing idly by when attack’s like this happen to civilians with chemical weapons is considered a war crime under the Geneva conventions. The international communities have policies where they are forced to act in these situations. The U.N is the body that created these rules, so why aren’t the enforcing them?

These are the very same weapons of mass destruction; we went to war to destroy under George Bush’s Junior’s in 2003.  Why wasn’t Saddam’s Hussein regime toppled, executed or arrested in 1991. The international community had the chance to do this in 1991. There were the proper amounts of troops to occupy the country until a new democratic government was formed and protected by the new Iraqi armed forces. The reason for war in 2003 (7yr war) was the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime and the supposed disarmament of Iraq’s Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons. No such weapons or facilities were ever found throughout the whole 2003 occupation.

The truth is the 2003 American intelligence was fabricated, these weapons of mass destruction where destroyed during and after 1991 by the U.S military and United Nations weapons inspectors. It is almost like the America had a vendetta for their failure to remove Saddam Hussein in 1991. In that time George Bush senior respected the U.N’s resolution to expel the Iraqi forces from Kuwait, which is why the conflict could not be expanded to occupy Iraq.

The way America in 2003 went about purposely misleading the United Nations, using incorrect and fabricated intelligence reports, should be a crime. Almost every other country would have been reprimanded and would pay in one way or another. The U.N sets international laws, invaded another nation, without their authorization, is simply illegal . So why does America feel they are immune from this body of nations, that America helped create, indorsed and supported the U.N after World War Two.

The problem is Americas monopoly on power, who besides China and Russia can challenge America economically or militarily, and if one of these countries decided to take action against the U.S.A it would lead to Atomic War. If you go against America you will some way or another reap the whirlwind, look what happened to Iraq? See if any other Second or Third class country where to do what America does the United Nations would consider this terrorism or a War Crime. Just like in 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, to secure oil wells and raise the price of oil to pay off war debts.

So in conclusion after reading this article and examining the facts, which I went to great lengths to researcher, to make sure that the information is accurate. See the reason the U.S.A is able to defy 90% of the countries that make up The United Nations is because America control’s the most modern and effective military force, the post powerful navy due to the fact that they own a dozen or so nuclear powered Aircraft Carriers. Each one of these ships can control a whole air wing roughly 80 or more aircraft. Basically each aircraft carrier is equal to the Air forces of most nations, with the exception of China, Russia Britain, and Israel. This gives America air superiority over any battle field from the relative safety of the sea.

Then to top all this power off America has the most modern weapon delivery systems, with the largest and most capable nuclear and bio weapons industry. This means they are able to drop a warhead with pinpoint accuracy anywhere on Earth. No one is technically safe from U.S power, so I can see why so many nations want Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) guarantee their survival and sovereignty. No country to my knowledge has ever been forcibly destroyed while they have Nuclear Weapons.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

War on Terror Winning Hearts and Minds

War on Terror Winning Hearts and Minds

            Most Canadians do not realize that the so called war on terror has been waged for a decade. This is roughly the amount of time that it took to win World War one and two.

 Think about the financial burden of this prolonged war with no end in sight. Alkaid and Taliban are not traditional forces to search and destroy. The enemy does not fight like regular soldiers.  These enemy combatants blend in with the civilian population. They do this because coalition forces do not want to end up on the evening news with dead women and children. Western forces have a hard time distinguishing enemy combatants from civilians. It appears that the Canadian government did not learn the lessons from the American disaster in Vietnam.

Coalition forces are trying to fight the same enemies as the former Soviet Union. Soviet forces were equipped with a few hundred thousand troops. The Russian Afghan conflict was fought for a little less than a decade. In the end the Russians were forced to withdraw in 1989, two years before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Most do not realize that Russia used chemical weapons, Carpet bombing from the sky instead of capturing the Town they turned. They also lay anti personal mines disguised as dolls and other kid’s toys; they summary execute any one that was not communist. Basically ever International law was broke by these war crimes.

 The coalitions approach to winning this war is a policy called Winning the Hearts and Minds.  How do coalition forces expect to do this when they are unable to distinguish friend from foe. This causes massive amount of fear, stress, mistrust and anger on both sides of the conflict. Many civilians become combatants because of injury to their families, themselves and their way of life. This is exactly how small militia groups win wars against major military power. That is what guerrilla war is, hit and run blend in with the civilian population, Control the country side, and they make sure that civilians are within close proximity to the battle,  so if theirs casualties this breaks their opinion of the Coalition.

See America armed, trained and supported the Taliban in the 1980's because this group was at war with Russia <soviets>. American Special Forces and advisers trained these groups in Gorilla war fair. The U.S supplied Ak47' Explosives<, intelligence> from spy satellites, Ammo, money and Stinger Missiles. These stingers could lock on and shoot down fast flying aircraft and helicopters. See the Afghan freedom fighters were about to lose the war, because Russia controlled the Air Space over the battlefield. But the stinger Han Held Missile turned the tide against Russia.

America supported, and training of these militia groups was poor, short sighted idea. By 1997, Osama Bin-laden had declared a holy war against the Western World especially Americans citizens. Now we fight these militant groups <terrorists> that were armed and trained in guerrilla tactics and insurgences by America’s special ops soldier’s and the CIA.

It roughly cost’s $700 000 annually to keep an American soldier in combat in Afghanistan. This does not include the soldiers pay, benefits, nor does this include vehicles, airstrikes, artillery and all the other things that go with war. Think about all the money spent on rebuilding infrastructure in Afghanistan. The majority of these building projects in Afghanistan use Western Contractors and materials. Then the equipment needed has to go through customs, then transported around the world. This approach does not seem very logical or cost efficient.

Most do not realize that the Americans have spent 300 billion on the Afghanistan conflict. Imagine the costs that are not told to the public. You can also add the cost in life, material, money to the other coalition forces like Canada and other allies. Most people would be shocked at the cost. Plus we have made enemies out much needed part of the world countries and their civilian population is unhappy with your conduct. So why do we do this when our economies are addicted to Middle Eastern oil. Why is it that Western Government’s alienate and in some cases accidentally kill civilians during Coalition missions and raids? What we call Collateral Damage isn’t that pathetic.

If we truly want to win the hearts and mind of the Afghan population, why doesn’t our government and military leaders start by employing Afghan workers, construction firms and use local materials. This way they are able to earn an income to support their families. Another positive outcome is the fact that if the local people contribute to the building of their new infrastructure, country and way of life, they may protect, and respect the programs school and infrastructure that they built.

Another fact is the cost of fighting the drug war in America. It is estimated to cost ½ a trillion dollars annually. Think about the cost for the coalition forces that also spend massive amount of tax dollars on the drug problems in their nations. Roughly 90% of the world's heroin and opium are grown and manufactured in Afghanistan. Then the drugs are shipped to Europe, Canada, the USA and other Western countries. The profits from these drugs are used to fund the Taliban, Alkaid, and other terrorist activities, such as paying off government officials, buying provisions and weapons.

So in conclusion Coalition forces are fighting an enemy that they trained equipped to fight Russia <soviets> in the 1980's. So add insult to injury, during this present conflict, these enemies forces <terrorists> are paid for and funded by their own civilian population, every time our citizens buy opium or heroin. Our Coalition forces are fighting this war under the guise of protecting their civilian population. In fact these terror groups are funded through our own drug use. Talk about a messed up situation.  

Monday 23 May 2011

Fighter Jets or The Welfare of Seniors

Fighter Jets or The Welfare of Seniors <Canada>

Ask yourself this, Why our government? < Canadian Conservative Party> Harper lackeys, feel they need to spend approx. 16 Billion dollars on F-35 fighter jets. Now yes, we need jets to protect our country but these jets most likely will be used overseas and in the Middle East to make war with the Americans. Apparently the Conservatives feel that we need to replace the McDonnell Douglas CF-18’s.

Now of course our Soldiers need and deserve adequate equipment so they can remain several steps ahead on the battle field. Now ask yourself, couldn't there be something more productive to do with 16 billion dollars!! Crime prevention, paying down the deficit, or helping to alleviate costs for low income seniors.The government had to pay 10 million dollars up front to receive the progress reports on the jets. With this 16 billion we could get every senior citizen that is in financial need above the poverty line. This could mean safe adequate housing, full benefits <cost free prescriptions> descent food vouchers so they don't have to choose between having hydro, buying grocery's, or paying for prescriptions. These very items are required to maintain their health.

If the Canadian Government made it a point to properly take care of our seniors, in the long term it could help alleviate the strain on our health care system. How many seniors have poor health because of economic conditions, inadequate food that doesn't meet the Canadian Food Guide requirements? Prescriptions for heart disorders, diabetes, pain management, and high blood pressure are a must; we need to remember these are our parents and grandparents. Plus these seniors are the ones who made this country what it is today. One last point the F-35 fighter jets will not be ready until 2016, so why wouldn't we purchase them a few years from now, when the cost of the jets may come down, and our economy is back to normal and the Canadian deficit is substantially reduced.

Nuclear non proliferation

Nuclear non proliferation <North Korea>
Why would North Korea comply with <western powers> United Nation demands to freeze uranium and plutonium production and eventually suspend their entire nuclear apparatus. The United Nations tells the North Korean regime that if they follow through with their demands the UN mainly America will suspend sanctions imposed on Country, then supposedly the UN or America will help with economic perks <bribes in my opinion> which will help them with fuel shipments because of power black outs, basic food stuffs and medical supplies will freely enter the country to aid the civilian population. “you can’t make nuclear bombs on civilian medical supplies.
Isn't it a crime to place sanctions on human beings this is why a high infant mortality rate, famine and minimal life expectancy is so high in the country. So let’s say the North Koreans suspend uranium enrichment the deal Washington made while under <President Clinton's rein> its only granted until a new president comes to power like when Bush Junior was elected and refused the previous Presidents policy. This example will continue you happen.
So if the North abolish their program who's to say the deal will remain on the table. Then the North Korean regime feels vulnerable. Western governments have tried to weak the north in the past. So if the North complied and had no nuclear capabilities, why would the international community follow through with their promises? The West has sold out their policy in the past.
Now don't get the wrong impression it is disgusting what the North Korean Regime does to their civilian population, but when the UN takes a tough approach on the country sure it makes it tough on the regime bout they will continue to take what they need at the expanses of the Korean people. So UN polices should be reevaluated.
In order to fix a problem you need to look at it from all the parties’ views.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Renewable Energy Sources & Canada Job Creation

Global Warming Concerns ECO Friendly Energy Canada

Why doesn't Canada use some of our expertise and stimulus money to research and perfect new renewable energy sources? We could start by revamping and updating our manufacturing industry.

Many of Canada’s large factories and corporations are now moving their facilities and jobs over sea's, where they are able to stay competitive and make record profits. Now this may be beneficial for large corporations and the owners of these companies, but it is disastrous for the average worker, and the economy. In my opinion, this is a major contributing factor to our high unemployment rate, poor wages and economic troubles.

The Canadian government and entrepreneurs could turn this dangerous issue of global warming, into a positive, by investing capital into renewable energy sources. This would create jobs, educate a new generation, and keep us competitive in world manufacturing markets. Large oil addicted countries like America, Russia, and China will wait until the very last minute to make the change from oil, to renewable clean energy. Canada could benefit and profit from these countries backwardness by selling proven method's and equipment, that are renewable and ECO friendly energy sources. Imagine how large this market could be in these large industrialized nations.

Free Flow Water Turbine
There will be many different technologies and approaches to combating global warming. We would not have to put all our eggs in one basket. A few technologies we could improve on: are wind power, Hydro Electricity, free flow turbines and synthetic fuels. Yes we all know about wind mills, but there is also wave powered systems that create clean electricity.

Another system work's on the same concept as a shake-able powered flashlight. See when the waves come in and out, a float is raised and lowered. This up and down motion produces electricity. I think this is a good approach; Canada has many rivers, the Great Lakes, and a massive coast where facilities could be installed. Another approach is to use the tides and currents in our rivers to turn turbines; I'm not talking about electric dams. It's similar to a wind turbine but water spins the blades instead of wind. We know this would produce a steady flow of electricity because we are able to map out the tides and water table.

One other idea instead of using corn to create ethanol is a process called cellulose. What you need to do is ferment vegetation, water and sugar. You can use almost any kind of green vegetation (ex) weeds, dandelions, left over’s from crops such as corn stocks, wheat and even grass clippings. Then, when it is fermented for a given amount of time you distill the mixture just like alcohol. In the end you have a high burning more ECO friendly fuel. With this method we would not need to draw so heavily on corn to make ethanol. Using corn would raise the price of livestock, poultry, corn germ, corn meal and fructose.

Finally their is clean coal Technology this works on the scrubbing out and storing green house gas's. I have included a diagram to show you how the technology works.

Clean Coal Technology

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Middle East Political Obstacles & The War On Terror

Middle East Political Obstacles

A major issue that fuels conflict in the Middle East that most politicians, policy makers and most world leaders fail to see is the Countries in this region were created by foreign powers, not by the Middle Eastern Inhabitants. Western powers and the UN clearly see borders, lines drawn on the map that show one country from another. Foreign power like the Europeans, Americans and other Colonial powers designed the map of the Middle East to best serve their political and economic interests. Then once again changes happened during WW1, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, WW2 and in more recent time The Cold War.

The <Communist> East , West <Free World> block during the Cold War changed and manipulated the political system and structures in this region. Puppet governments were installed, loyal to foreign countries not to the plight of their own people. It seems like this betrayal is, and was fueled by energy contracts <oil>, base of operations (military, trade) and other resources. Small, independent loyal politicians in this region, find it difficult if not impossible to receive the funding, protection and support without the oil company's money and backing. After centuries and decades of foreign manipulation, why do you think a good part of these Governments are hostile to the outside world. One of the most guilty participants for creating this atmosphere use to be mainly the British, but now America is the main culprit. Shame on them, the so called Free World, the defender of justice, democracy and human rights.

When the inhabitants in this region went through the restructuring of their homelands, tribes, family's and community’s were split up after century’s and even millennial. Look at Warzhiristan the tribal region that is technically part of Pakistan, and boarders Afghanistan. There is only Alkaid, Taliban and Tribal authority and justice. There is little to no government oversight in this territory. In most part there is no physical boarder separating these countries from one another. I think this is a major reason why there is no acknowledgment of the border.

A modern example is the ongoing war in Afghanistan. Alkaid and the Taliban fight Coalition forces in Afghanistan then seek sanctuary in Pakistan. Most Coalition forces break off the fight when enemy combatants head into Pakistan. The reason for this is, Coalition Forces are suppose to respect the sovereignty of other Nations and international law. This was the same in Vietnam <French Indo-China>, when the Vet-Cong used Laos and Cambodia to bring in supplies and regroup for their war effort. Our enemies exploit this handicap, throughout past and present conflicts.

No wonder why Middle Eastern inhabitants in the region are unhappy with the statuesque. Look how the British handed over Israel from the Palestinians. This territory is heavily populated with minimal resources, water, farm land and space. A few of the changes in Palestine in recent history have been the Franco- British boundary in 1920. Then the Transjordan memorandum during the British mandate for Palestine. Now in modern time, the complete separation of Israel from Palestine. The International Community has even let the Israeli's setup illegal settlements in Palestinian territory. Most people now adays do not realize when Israel was partitioned from Palestine there was an exodus of one million inhabitants to make room for the Zionists <Jewish Homeland>.

Everyone needs a place to call home but there was no open debate, the inhabitants of this region had no say in the partition of their home lands. The strong told the weak what to do,where to go, and how to do it. See the Western world thinks the conflict in Palestine, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan are separate issues, but the Combatants that fight the Coalition consider this a Global Jihad. Why do you think countries that were not involved militarily in this conflict still have terrorist attacks and plots against their civilians, economy's and military

The western world refers to this struggle as the War On Terror. Before this it was The Cold War, Then WW2, WW1, then European Colonial wars and finally the Crusades in Biblical Times. It is a never ending conflict. And it is scary that the Western World's way of life, and economy’s are chained to the oil from this region. The West and U.N look at this conflict as a War On terror with religious aspects. In most cases it is a war for rights, freedom and self governing. Remember the West helped fuel the fire in this region. Most do not realize that the Americans have spent roughly 300 BILLION dollars on the war in Afghanistan. Think about the costs that were not revealed to the public. In conclusion: Politicians and world leaders should take a serious look at this conflict and see if there is a realistic end in sight.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

50 000 immigrants disappointed, Visa lottery Glitch

Many immigrants disappointed Visa lottery Glitch

A major computer glitch, affected a group of hopefully U.S immigrants. There was a computer glitch with the United States Of America's State Department's annual worldwide Visa Lottery. 15 million names were supposed to be entered in the lottery for 2012. 50 000 immigrants were informed that they were selected to legally live in U.S.A., but because of this computer glitch a portion of the names were not entered into the computer. So the selection process was not 100% fair. The outcome is, this group of immigrants that thought they were U.S citizen, but now are required to re enter the Lottery with the original 15 million names. Talk about dropping the ball. This is a pretty unfair mistake.

One of the reasons America use the concept of a visa lottery, is to receive a diverse selection of immigrants. The lottery works like this. 90 000 names are selected through the digital lottery from a group of 15 million names selected for the lottery. Through a process of attrition, the final group of 50 000 are selected through a interview process. I think this is a unique and excellent way to select new people for a country. But before phone calls are made to the winners there should be a few different verification processes in place so this exact issue would not arise. There is a very large group of people that now feel cheated. This is not a good way to welcome individuals into a country.

Tyson World View wants to give my deepest regrets to the immigrant and family that were chosen through this lottery, then rejected based on a error that was out of their control.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Conservative Majority Trouble in Canada

Conservative Majority Trouble in Canada

This is the outcome I truly feared. I thought maybe the NDP and the Liberals could stand united against Harper and his Conservative lackeys. Well I was sure wrong. I’m glad to see that the NDP came out stronger then before because of the election. At least Jack Layton will try to give the conservatives as much as a headache possible. Layton did have an almost spotless attendance record.

I don’t understand in this poor economic time why the Canadian Public, which in some cases have lost their lively hoods, jobs, homes, good credit ratings etc, would allow a Conservative majority. Well I guess the rich make out well, tax reductions for large corporations and the upper class, while small business, and middle to low income families will pick up the tax burden. Did we all forget that this poor economic time happened on the conservatives watch and festered.

What concerns me most is that the conservatives will be in a strong position to build their new jails, prisons, they will know surely purchase the f-35 attack aircraft, extend are roll in Afghanistan, and get more involved in the Liberian affair.

So ask yourself is Canada now in a stronger position after the elections. The Conservative party is definitely stronger but what does that hold for the average Canadian citizen.

Monday 2 May 2011

Immigration Integration in Canada

 Immigration Integration in Canada

So a few nights ago there was a debate on the upcoming elections in Canada. It was between the Leaders of the Major Canadian parties, and one of the issues that struck out to me, was Immigration and temporary work Visa's.

So according to Steven Harper Immigration is at an all time high. Which I think is a good thing, BUT and there’s always a BUT, a large portion of these workers that come to Canada, are only given a temporary work visa for 3 years. Now a good portion of these workers come get jobs but since they are unable to bring their families, to Canada the majority of their pay is sent back home to care for their loved ones in other parts of the world.

So these Canadian dollars are not kept in Canada to help are economy, at this most crucial recession. Canada needs more and better policies in place to combat the deficit and stimulate the economy. It is pretty obvious that this the worse recession in most Canadians lives. Know I’m not saying foreigners should not receive these jobs. Almost every Canadian family came to this country as immigrants.

What I'm trying saying is we should make these people feel more welcome so they want to stay in Canada and lay down roots. Know this can’t work in all cases but most workers should be allowed to bring their immediate family so the money they earn at work is spent and kept within Canada economy, and not sent to the workers country of origin. If these workers are only here for a small amount of time there’s not much reason to purchase a home, learn the language and get out mingling with fellow Canadians and finding out what Canada’s all about.

The NDP and Liberal party where explaining how even if these workers were to become Canadian citizens there is up to a 10 year wait for their immediate family to become permanent residents. See one of the problems in Canada, and most western countries is, we don’t have a high enough birth rate to sustain are growth year after year. For every person that retires, several need to pick up in their place to to keep taxes paid, and the country moving forward.

Bring over workers temporally and giving them skills, that should be kept in Canada. Instead they can take their trade back home to their country of origin. Now this other country can and will compete with use in manufacturing or any other industry. Now sure we will always need and want temporary workers but to do this on such a large scale is not good for Canada, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the eventual outcome for this situation.

So in conclusion Immigrants should receive free language courses, help settling in good neighborhoods that are diverse culturally. This way they can feel comfortable where ever they feel like going instead of lonely feeling comfortable in areas that mainly speak their native language.

Thursday 21 April 2011

North West Passage Canada

North West Passage
North West Passage Canadian Sovereignty
        So for the past few years we hear more and more about the Arctic, and the damage being done to the Planet by humans pumping out massive amount of green house gas. Basically everyone knows about the dangers of global warming. The melting Arctic and world wide loses of glaciers. So one of the major concerns for Canadians is the opening of the north west passage. Year by year the ice in north is melting and soon their will be a completely open shortcut for shipping lanes. Now all major countries want a free pass through the Canadian Arctic, like The European union, America, Russia, China and dozens of other nations. Now if these countries treat the northern passage like international waters their is very little over site and respect of the ecosystems. Think back to the Exon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24 1989. Some estimate's claim 260,000 to 750 000 barrels of crude oil spilled into the sea.

North West Passage

        Until the recent spill last year in the Golf of Mexico, the Exon Valdez was one of the most devastating man made disasters. This spill happened about 21 years ago and the Sea Otter population was one of the hardest hit animals in the region. The population are roughly have of what they were in 1988. The Eco system is to delicate in Arctic region. One of the problem is year after year more International ship with use this route, and the crews will become less and less experienced and the ships hauling goods will be unequipped to deal with Arctic hazards. This combination is an accident waiting to happen.

        So when a disaster happens in this area of the world Canada will be left with the environment damage and the cost of clean ups, because the North West Passage is routed thought upper Canada. Many nations are know targeting the north because their are many resource's to exploit. So I think the Canadian government needs to put more legislation thought the United Nations to make are coasts and inland water more protected.

Exon Valdez Spill